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XRoadMaker is a gnome printed circuit board designer.


April 03 2000 :

XRoadMaker 0.5.6 released.

Changes : 'support.h not found' bug fixed. Added preferences saving at exit. Added component area in circuit view and type viewable selection. Added mouse cursor changement in circuit view. Added an HISTORY file.

March 22 2000 :

XRoadMaker 0.5.5 released.


Component Tree
Link List
Track List
Circuit View
Attach Edit
Component Edit
Choose Component in Library  
Circuit Info
General Preferences
Circuit View Preferences
Router Preferences
Router Status


Requirements : gnome-libs >= 1.0.14 (older may works but not tested).

Source code : xroadmaker-0.5.6.tar.gz

If you want to create a RPM just type './configure;make dist' and 'make rpm' as root.

XRoadMaker LibEditor :

Source code :  xrm-libeditor-0.1.tar.gz


If you want to contribute to the XRoadMaker project, join the development mailing-list.
Contribution are welcomed in the creation of the component library : a coordinator for the library creation and
component designers are asked.
If you have access to an accurate database of components or experience in this domain feel free to contact me on the mailing list.

For further information visit the project page at sourceforge


Gnome : http://www.gnome.org

Gtk : http://www.gtk.org

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Author Cedric Hyppolite